Cloudspeakers – a mobile performance network
In this project we developed a network of cloudspeakers. These are mobile speakers connected to a raspberry pi3 equipped with a low-latency audio card. They are connected to a wifi network and run a SuperCollider-Server (scsynth). Our cloudspeaker can be addressed with the SuperCollider (sclang) in the network. For this purpose we had to create a stable and scaleable network, and we had to find solutions for problems like latency, jitter, or software management. This network can be used for artistic projects and can be combined with a webserver and the use of mobile devices.
abstract = {In this project we developed a network of cloudspeakers. These are mobile speakers connected to a raspberry pi3 equipped with a low-latency audio card. They are connected to a wifi network and run a SuperCollider-Server (scsynth). Our cloudspeaker can be addressed with the SuperCollider (sclang) in the network. For this purpose we had to create a stable and scaleable network, and we had to find solutions for problems like latency, jitter, or software management. This network can be used for artistic projects and can be combined with a webserver and the use of mobile devices.},
address = {London, United Kingdom},
author = {Visser, Jeroen and Vogtenhuber, Raimund},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Web Audio Conference},
editor = {Thalmann, Florian and Ewert, Sebastian},
month = {August},
pages = {},
publisher = {Queen Mary University of London},
series = {WAC '17},
title = {Cloudspeakers – a mobile performance network},
year = {2017},
ISSN = {2663-5844}